Accepting an eECD company invitation and sign up | Scribe

Accepting an eECD company invitation and sign up

  • NxtPort International |
  • 0 step |
  • 2 minutes
  • Nxtport-InternationalNxtport-International
  • B2CloginB2Clogin
  • GmailGmail
When you receive an email from NxtPort International, Click "join"
You are redirected to the Eclic portal but you are not logged in. Click "Login or Register"
Enter your email. Please be sure to use the same email address that was used by your company admin to invite you.
Click "Next"
You will receive a notification that your account was not found. In case you don't see this message, there is already an active account with your email address. In this case, you might need to follow the "Forgot your password" flow instead.
Click "Sign up now"
Enter your email address (if not yet filled in) and click the "Send verification code" button. An email will be sent with a 6-digit code that you will need to enter.
Enter your password, confirm your password and choose a display name.
Enter the verification code that was sent to your email address and click on "Verify code"
Click on the "Create" button
You now have verified your email. In order to actually login, you will need to perform the security check once more. A new email is send containing a new verification code. It will not be possible to enter the previous code a second time. Enter the (new) code.
Click "Verify code"
If the code was correct, you will be transferred back to the Eclic admin. Here you will see the possibility to Accept the invitation to join the company. Click "ACCEPT"
If you don't see the User Invitation screen with the accept button, please stop the procedure and contact NxtPort support by creating a new Support ticket.
You have now joined the company but your session won't have the correct rights attributed. As a final step and only once needed, we will now logout and login again.
Click "Logout" in the top right corner
Enter your email address
Enter your password and click "Sign in"
A "Verification code" is sent automatically to your email address. Click "Verify code".
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