Accepting the License Agreement on Apple Developer | Scribe

    Accepting the License Agreement on Apple Developer

    • Josh Ingpen |
    • 9 steps |
    • 6 minutes
    • PipedrivePipedrive
    • GoogleGoogle
    • AppleApple
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Apple Developer"
    Click "Account"
    Log in with your Apple ID email and Password. \ \ *If you cannot remember your Password, you can reset it via the 'Forgotten Your Password?' button below the login details.*
    Enter in the 6 digit verification code sent to the mobile number shown on the screen.\ \ *If you did not receive the verification code, you can select the 'Did not get a verification code?' button below to have the code resent to you or verify yourself some other way. If you still do not receive the code, please press back, login and start the process again.*
    Once you're logged in you should see the license agreement that needs to be signed.\ \ Click "Review agreement"
    You may read through the agreement or simply click "Agree"
    **DONE!** \ \ You have now accepted the License Agreement on Apple Developer and our team can now perform the updates they need to ensure you have the most up to date version of your app!
    *If you would like to see other agreements that may need to be signed, click "Agreements" and that will show you all the agreements you have.*