Onboarding (B2B - Accredited) | Scribe

    Onboarding (B2B - Accredited)

    • Cornerstone EMO |
    • 14 steps |
    • 26 seconds
    • ScribeScribe
    Navigate to the master sheet\ Make a copy of the master sheet\ Send the renamed master sheet to the B2B Partner ( B2B) Link: <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jl4zAFFkLBTz0M4SB-KQAvRCDffyvBQNTq2TjqlRsGc/edit#gid=0>
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    Master sheet should be renamed according to B2B name
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    **CSM** checks the link every day to see if there are new students added\ The list should be checked at 10 AM and 4 PM
    **B2B** Provides us with the info below: Student's full name\ Start date Student's email address Student's birth date
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    B2B excel sheet must be completed
    **CSM** sends the slack invite to B2B <https://app.slack.com/client/T01FRJURT3J/dms> Also, we provide them with a Slack walkthrough: <https://app.arcade.software/share/MKtfgzYNVTtjksva68Bv> Application Southlands Online Schools (2024-2025)\ <https://registration.powerschool.com/family/gosnap.aspx?action=40824&culture=en>
    Assuming master sheet is complete **CSM** sends slack invite to students
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    For accredited the student must submit the application in order to be delivered and enrolled.
    **CSM** creates a Contact in the CRM for the student ( If no Contact exists, create one.)
    **CSM** schedules the Enrollment Huddle with the person in charge ( for the B2B )
    **CSM** creates the Ed Plan to add it on our file
    **CSM**[delivers the form](https://southlands.wufoo.com/forms/scso-credit-student-course-request/) to SCS IT with appropriate information for each student.
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    - Fill out the form: <https://scribehow.com/shared/How_to_Fill_Out_a_Course_Enrollment_Request_Form___bgL4sq8SNyIJ6t1g62X1Q> - **OS** will need the [student number](https://scribehow.com/shared/How_to_Access_Student_Number_on_PowerSchool_SIS_PSSIS__Hgx2evW3RhiFapjlcvfr6A) from PowerSchool SIS (PSIS) for the form. - Logins for PSIS: - Url:[southlandscs.powerschool.com](http://southlandscs.powerschool.com) - User: cemo-support - Pwd: CEMO@SCS44
    **CSM:**[Steps to Approve a student in PowerSchool](https://scribehow.com/shared/Approving_and_Delivering_Students_in_PowerSchool_Enrollment_PSE__y9KnNpPpQPus8fZLbGI92Q)
    **CSM:**[Steps to Deliver a student in PowerSchool](https://scribehow.com/shared/Using_Powerschool_to_Deliver_and_Match_Student_Data__ClTqI7KcTtWEGvTTDXzK8g)
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    It might take up to 24 hours for IT to confirm that the students have been enrolled
    Once IT confirms that the students have been enrolled **CSM** informs the B2B that the enrollment has been handled and asks the B2B regarding the tuition handling.
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    We need to confirm whether they want to use a credit/debit card, or would they prefer a wire transfer.
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    The email that should be sent to B2B should contain these bullet points:\ \ List of students successfully enrolled in Schoology: - Kyla xxx - Kayson xxx - Marianne xxx - Ivy xxx - Request for tuition payment preference: credit/debit card or wire transfer.
    On the start date **CSM** shares the login info:\ \ Schoology Login Credentials Schoology walkthrough link: <https://app.arcade.software/share/HRNrEmIdO11KPoCBwBZB>\ Also, we provide the student with the zoom link In case the student has Bible class we share the link as well:\ <https://app.rightnowmedia.org/en/join/Southlandschristianschoolscal>