Accessing and Completing Online Rules Clinics & Other Bylaw 25 Requirements on ArbiterSports | Scribe

    Accessing and Completing Online Rules Clinics & Other Bylaw 25 Requirements on ArbiterSports

    • Rob Catron |
    • 11 steps |
    • 52 seconds
    Navigate to [](
    Click "SIGN IN"
    Click "SIGN IN NOW"
    Enter Username and Password, then Click "Sign in"
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! If you did not receive the Invitation Email from ArbiterSports when your account was created, you will need to click on "Forgot Password" and follow those steps.
    Click "Send Code" or "Call Me"
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! If you choose to use the "Call Me" function, you will receive a call from Microsoft. As soon as the message begins, you can tap the "#" key on your phone's keypad to be automatically signed in.
    Enter the code that you received via text, and click "Verify Code"
    Click the account selector dropdown menu
    Click on your name
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! At this time, this is the only way you can access your Eligibility Dashboard to complete your requirements
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! If you do not see "My Account" and your name as shown above, your AD has not added you to the team roster(s). This must happen in order to "enroll" you into your Eligibility Dashboard and it's requirements.
    Select the sport that you wish to complete requirements for (In this example, Golf)
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    Tip! Including the Online Rules Clinic, you can see that you need to complete 5 non-sport safety -related requirements and how many that you have completed (0 out of 5 in this example)
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    Tip! If you are current on Sport Safety, you will see either the 2023-2024 or 2024-2025 requirement met (in this example, I am a new coach, and haven't completed the Sport Safety Course).
    Click "Take Online Clinic" next to the Online Rules Clinic for your sport.
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    Alert! As you can see in this example, the free period of the clinic closes on 8/29, and will be replaced by the typical $100 Late, and then $200 Super Late periods until the clinic closes.
    Once the clnic opens, Click/tap the Play Icon.
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    Alert! You do not have to view the clinic in one setting. When you return to the clinic, you will see two icons - select the correct one accordingly:
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    Alert! As you can see in the left hand slide list, The status is Red - "COMPLETION CRITERIA: **NOT MET"** When you complete the last slide, if you received credit, it will chane to Green and read, "COMPLETION CRITERIA: **MET**"