Accessing school information via school links | Scribe

Accessing school information via school links

    • EdumateEdumate
    • Google PlayGoogle Play
    Login to the Carer Orbit app Guide available here, if you are doing this for the first time: \ <>
    Tap the **hamburger** menu button to view a side menu.
    In the **side menu**, there are some direct links eg [Learner.Link](http://Learner.Link), but you will also find more information under the **school links** menu.
    Your Carer Orbit app may look a little different, but your College has loaded links to information centrally for you. Use the **chevron** to open and collapse menus.
    From the **Home** screen (which you can get back to at any time by clicking on the house), you will have access to a **services** button, please tap.
    The **Parents & Carers** button will services to you, and if you need help at any time please reach out by selecting **Technical Support**
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