Go to "Dashboard"
Click "All Posts"
On the Posts Page, select a post and click "Edit with Elementor"
Go to section that has the Subheading e.g. "What are Neck Injuries" and click/select it
Click the widget's menu link to open the widget list
Click the "Search Widget:" field.
Search for widget "Menu Anchor". Menu Anchor (Anchor links), also referred to as jump menu links or table of contents, are links that instantly take you to a specific part of the page (or an external page)
Drag the "Menu Anchor" widget to the top of the section
Click the "The ID of Menu Anchor." field and set the Identifier
For instance, you can type "what-neck-injuries" to set this phrase as the identifier
On the widget list menu, filter for 'inner section' widget. Drag the widget to the page section i.e. usually the top of the page
Right-click here.
Right-click on widget
Click "Delete"
After deleting one of the columns, select the inner section
To add the Table of Content menu, click on the Widget menu, and search
Type "menu"
Click "Liquid Custom Menu"
Drag the "Liquid Custom Menu" widget onto the page