Add a Note for a Handled Voicemail | Scribe

    Add a Note for a Handled Voicemail

    • Stephanie Sava |
    • 6 steps |
    • 21 seconds
    • DialpadDialpad
    After listening to the voicemail, click on the caller name/number to be taken to their history page.
    Once in the caller history page, on the right side under the Contact Information box, there is now a box for NOTES. This can be used to add notes for voicemails, etc. Click on the + sign to add a note.
    Type "VM 5/31/23 handled" or whatever note is needed then click on save.
    You can also mark notes as "completed" by checking the box next to it. This action will put a line through the note.
    To "hide" completed notes, click on the 3 dots and select Hide Completed Notes.
    To see all notes, click on the 3 dots and select "Show completed notes"