Add a Recipe | Scribe

    Add a Recipe

    • Lucy Sonner |
    • 0 step |
    • 5 minutes
      After adding an item, the system will take you to the Add Recipe screen. If this is the case, skip to Step 9
      Navigate to Synbiotix
      Enter your username and password and click "Login"
      Select Production Management
      Production Management is called "NCIS" in some systems but the functionality is the same
      Click "Administration"
      Click "Recipes"
      Click "Add New"
      Search for the item you want to link the recipe to. The system will suggest items based on what you type in the drop down box. Click the item name to select it
      You must add the item before you can add the recipe. Click here for instructions on how to add an item: [](
      The recipe name will be pre-filled to match the item name, but you can change it if required
      The recipe will be active by default. Change the "Recipe Active" toggle to "NO" to make it inactive
      Enter the number of servings
      Enter the recipe expiry days. This number is added to the date of the production to generate the expiry date For example, an item is produced on 1st July 2023. The expiry days is 3 days. The expiry date of the item will be 4th July 2023. 01.07.2023 + 3 days = 04.07.2023
      Enter the cooking guidelines. These are instructions for how the item should be reheated (for example, in a regen kitchen)
      Enter the storage instructions
      The expiry days, cooking guidelines and storage instructions will be displayed on the item label
      Enter a weight loss / gain percentage, or choose a pre-configured option from the drop down box
      The system can calculate this information for you at a later stage. We recommend using the system generated values for accuracy. Click here for instructions on how to add a weight change: [](
      Enter the recipe thresholds and click "+"
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