Enter your username and password and click "Login"
Select Helpdesk
Click "Administration"
Click "Manage Locations"
Click down through the levels of your organisation's structure until you reach ward level
If your site also uses Synbiotix Cleaning Standards, do not add a new ward until you reach ward level. The Cleaning Standards system doesn't recognise wards that aren't placed into Sections (the level above ward)
Edit an Existing Ward
Click "Edit"
Make any changes as required
The default fields are Name, Active status and Ward Type
Wards cannot be deleted. This is to preserve historical data
Change the Active status to "No" if you don't want the ward to be visible in any Synbiotix systems
Click "Save"
Add a New Ward
Click "Add Ward"
Enter the new ward details
The default fields are Name, Active status, Ward Type and Cleaning Standards
The Active status will be set to "Yes" by default. Inactive wards will not be visible when using the system
Use the drop-down box to select the "Ward Type"
Selecting the Ward Type is mandatory, but the option you choose will not affect your system. It is a relic setting from an old system and will be phased out soon