Adding or Creating Account(s) linked to your User Profile | Scribe

    Adding or Creating Account(s) linked to your User Profile

    • 12 steps
    • CardinalhealthCardinalhealth
    Navigate to [](
    Address Book
    Click "Add Account"

    Add an Existing Account

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    Adding an Existing Account means you already know the account number, you want to be able to use it with your login.
    Click the "Add Existing Account (I have a number)" field.
    Click "Next"
    Enter the Account Number and Postal Code, then click Add and Use Account

    Create a New Account

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    Use this process to submit a request to create a new Ship To account. This process is used if, for example, you have a new location that your orders need to be delivered to.
    Click the "Create a New Account (I don't have one yet)" field.
    Click "Next"
    Select the Billing Account which this new Ship To account will be linked to
    Enter the Name of the new location - this should be easily recognizable to simplify selection among a list of multiple locations
    Search and select the address for the new location
    Enter the phone number and then click Submit
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    Note that it may take 1 to 2 business days for the new location to be created. You will receive an email confirmation with the new account number when it's completed. Once you receive the account number you can add it to your login using the steps outlined at the beggining of this guide.