Adding Availability codes and ranks to Activity Reports | Scribe

Adding Availability codes and ranks to Activity Reports

  • Andrea Vargas |
  • 0 step |
  • 3 minutes
  • FireservicerotaFireservicerota
By following these steps, users can ensure that the attendees' attendance is reflected in their rotas and accurately track their availability for different activities. This guide is essential for anyone who needs to manage and organize attendance data effectively.
Select your station menu and click on the Activity Reports tab.
Click "New Activity Report"
Start filling in the spaces to have the activity information, like title.
Then select the type of activity.
You will have a drop down menu for all activity types available.
Then we have the new availability code feature.
By assigning an availability code to this report, all attendees of the activity have their attendance reflected in their rotas with the selected code.
Select the code you want the users to have reflected on their rota.
Manage and change the times if its necessary.
And add any details of the activity if it is necessary.
At the end Click "Create"
The system will give you a list of all the users on the station, you are the one to select who attended and who did not.
The green is to select those users that attended, and the red is for those users that did not attend.
Now we have the new rank sections, were you will be able to select different ranks for the users, so maybe if for this activity the user preformed as a commander, that can be selected.
You will have the list of ranks depending on th configuration of the system.
Select the ranks of everyone who attended.
You can edit the "Start time - End time", if is necessary.
This means you can edit the times, so if attendees where less or more time at the activity that can be done, you will have a warning sign saying that the time is different than the activity time.
At the end click "Save", clicking save means that the report still needs to be approved.
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