Adding Free Text Activities | Scribe

Adding Free Text Activities

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Getting Started

In order to add 'Free Text' activities to your itinerary, you will need to be in the Planner Step of the Itinerary Builder.

Naming your Activity

Click on the activity search field and start typing the name of the activity. Instead of selecting an activity from the predictive list that appears, select ‘+SAVE AS FREE TEXT’. This will enter the text into your itinerary.
**Note:** This activity will only be available for this particular activity. Should you need the same activity further into your itinerary you will need to type it in as free text again. Alternatively, you are able to build activities that you use frequently as components and just add those activity components into the planner as needed.

Adding a Location

Geotagging your Free Text Activity will assign images and descriptions of the location to the activity so that there is visual interest and not just a blank entry. \ \ Click on the 'Geotag' icon to add a location - this will link your free text to a point in the Wetu System.
A pop-up window will appear where you can type in the activity Location and select the correct one from the drop-down. Once added, click 'Save'.
Once you have added the 'Free Text' activities to your itinerary you can update the remainder of the details like a normal activity, this includes specific times or whether the activities are planned or optional. 
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