Adding Multiple Instructors to a Class Section | Scribe

    Adding Multiple Instructors to a Class Section

    • 10 steps |
    • 21 seconds
    • EcuEcu
    information ordinal icon
    If a section is taught by more than one instructor, then only one instructor can be listed as the primary instructor. - The primary instructor is identified by checking the "Primary Indicator" field. - Any instructor listed as an instructor on the section can enter final grades in Faculty & Advisor Self Service. - Only the primary instructor can process a Change of Grade in Faculty Tools.
    Click in the "Session" Indicator field to add the first instructor to the section.
    Session Indicator field
    alert ordinal icon
    If the person is not marked as an active instructor in Banner, an error message will be displayed, and you will not be able to save the record. To save the record without entering the instructor, click the "Delete" button on the INSTRUCTOR section and click the "SAVE" button. If this is a new instructor, contact the HR representative for your college and ask them to activate them as faculty on the SIAINST admin page.
    Press the [[Tab]] key to go to the "ID" field and type the instructors Banner ID in the field.
    Instructor ID field
    alert ordinal icon
    The "Percent of Responsibility" field indicates the portion of the class section's teaching for which the instructor is responsible.  **It is critical that these percentages represent the actual distribution of teaching responsibility for reporting and analysis of teaching loads.** **Combined, the percentages must sum to 100.** - Individuals who do not have any responsibility for teaching in the class section may not be added as instructors. - Instructors with at least 21% of the teaching responsibility, are included in the Survey of Student Opinion of Instruction (SSOI).
    By default 100 is enter in the "Percent of Responsibility" field. Click in the "Percent of Responsibility " field and update the percentage for the first instructor.
    Percent of Responsibility field
    The "Percent of Session" field is not used and can be left with the default value.
    Percent of Session field
    Click the "Insert" button to add an additional instructor.
    Insert button
    alert ordinal icon
    Do not change the "Session Indicator" field regardless of the number of instructors teaching the course. It should remain 01 for all instructors listed.
    Leave the "Session Indicator" field as "01"
    Session Indicator field
    Press the [[Tab]] key to go to the "ID" field and type the additional instructors Banner ID in the field.
    Instructor ID field
    alert ordinal icon
    Please note that the "Primary Indicator" field is unchecked. Only one instructor can be checked as the primary instructor.
    Click in the "Percent of Responsibility" field and update the percentage for the additional instructor.
    Percent of Responsibility field
    Click in the "Percent of Session" field and update the percentage for the additional instructor.
    Percent of Session field
    alert ordinal icon
    If an instructor is teaching two or more sections occurring at the same time, an error will be displayed when trying to save the section. Check the "Override Indicator" checkbox on the instructor with the error, and click the "SAVE" button.
    Click the "SAVE" button.
    Save button