Updating & Adding Staff to Your Provider Roster (copy1) | Scribe

    Updating & Adding Staff to Your Provider Roster (copy1)

    • AccushieldAccushield
    Navigate to your Provider Dashboard, which is [https://verify.accushield.com/](https://dashboard.accushield.com/reports/vendor-report/vendor-home)
    Click "Staff Roster" You should see a full list of your staff. This list is generated by showing all staff that have signed into an Accushield Kiosk and has chosen your company as their employer. We recommend checking this list to ensure all data is correct.
    You can easily update an employee's "Employment Status" by clicking the dropdown. This will be a helpful tool for cleaning up your list and ensuring accuracy. Changing their status to "Terminated" will inactivate that staff member completely.
    To edit a specific staff member or to view even more details tied to their profile - click on their name.
    Click "Edit" if you wish to make updates. Some fields (like Phone) are protected and not editable. If you need assistance editing one of these fields, please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or your staff member can sign-in with the correct number at the Accushield Kiosk and a new profile will be created.
    Utilize the "Search" bar to jump to a specific person. You can search using their name or phone number.
    You can also utilize the "Filter By" on the left of the screen to view specific information.
    Click "Export" to download a CSV file of all existing staff members and their associated details. As needed, use the filters like the "Search by Service Type" field or leverage the "Exclude" and "Include" Service Type filters to refine your list of staff members prior to exporting.
    If you're wanting to add new Staff...those have to be added through a child account - so click on the dropdown on the left and choose the name of the location you want to add this staff member to.
    Click "Staff Roster"
    If the staff member doesn't already exist in your roster, you can click "Add"
    Fill in their staff details. The following are required fields that must be added: First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email, Employment Status, Pay Type Code & Service Type (Primary)
    Click "Save" once done.