Adding a Child to the SproutFive Waitlist | Scribe

    Adding a Child to the SproutFive Waitlist

    • 19 steps
    • MyprocareMyprocare
    • SproutfiveSproutfive
    • ProcareonlineProcareonline
    Navigate to []( in your browser.
    Hover over the "Our Families" tab and click "Enroll Your Child."
    Learn more about enrolling at SproutFive. To begin enrollment, click "Enroll Today"
    View all SproutFive locations. Once you found a location that best meets the needs of your family, click "Enroll Today"
    Double-click the "Email Address" field. Begin by entering in the email address you would like to use for enrollment.
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    Please make sure this is an email address you check often as this email address will also be used by our team to contact you.
    Check your email address for a six-digit confirmation number. Enter that number in the "Confirmation Number" field.
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    Be sure to check your spam folder in your inbox if you do not see the confirmation number after 5 minutes.
    Begin by adding your name in the fields provided.
    Continue on to add your address.
    Click "Physical" if that is your residence.
    Click "Mailing" if that is where you receive mail.
    Enter your phone numbers, using the drop-down menu to select if the number is your home, cell, or work number.
    If providing a work number, please add an extension if appropriate. Click "Add New Phone" if you would like to add additional phone numbers.
    Begin adding your child(ren)'s information. Please note a photo is not required.
    Enter the child's birthday by clicking the "Date of Birth" field.
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    If your child is not born yet, use the "Date of Birth" space to put their expected due date.
    If you have more than one child, click "Save & Add Next Child" to repeat this process. Otherwise, click "Save & Go to Step 3."
    Use the "Relationship Type" drop-down menu to indicate the relationship between you and your child(ren). Then use the buttons to the right to indicate if the child(re) lives with you ("Lives With"), if you are an emergency contact ("Emergency"), and if you are authorized to pick the child(ren) up ("Pickup").
    Repeat this process for all additional caretakers you wish to have on your child(ren)'s account by clicking "Save & Add Next Contact." In the fields provided add their name and demographic information.