Add a File | Scribe

    Add a File

    • T. Kim Nguyen |
    • 24 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • PlonePlone
    Click the "add item" button.
    Click "File"
    Click the "Title" field and type a title.\ \ If you don't provide a title, Plone will use the name of the file you upload. The title will be indexed by Plone's built in search and will appear in listings, such as in search results.
    Use the "Description" field to describe the file. This description, or summary, will be indexed by Plone's search, and appears in listings such as in search results.
    Click "Choose a file" and use the dialog to select the file you want to upload, then press the dialog's OK button. Alternatively, you can drag the file to the "Drop file here" target area.
    Let's look at the other metadata you can set.\ \ Click "Categorization".
    This lets you assign tags, or keywords, to the current content item. Tags are another way to describe the current content item. Tags can be assigned to multiple content items, and are indexed by Plone's built in search.
    You can select existing tags. To create new tags, you type each one followed by [[enter]]. For example, type "zope [[enter]] zope3 [[enter]] unit tests [[enter]] introduction [[enter]]"
    Click on the Language drop down list to specify the language of the content item.
    Click on the "Related Items" field to select other content items on the current site that are related to this one. This lets you guide users to other content that may also be of interest to them.
    You can select one or more related items by navigating and by searching the site. In this example, we select as a related item the page "Content Types" by clicking on its icon.
    Click the X icon to exit from the related items selection widget.
    Click "Dates"
    The Expiration Date lets you set when this item should no longer be shown in the site's navigation, e.g., in site headings.
    Set the expiration date by clicking on the Date field. You can set the expiration time by clicking on the Time field.
    The "Publishing Date" will be set automatically when you publish the item, so there is usually no need to set it. You can set a publishing date in the future if you want to publish the item now but not have it highlighted in the site navigation until that future date and time.
    Click "Ownership"
    The Ownership fields let you set who created and contributed to the item. You can also set a copyright statement. Click "Settings".
    The "short name" for an item is what appears as part of the web address of the item. By default, Plone takes the title of the item, lower cases it, and replaces spaces and other punctuation with hyphens ("-"). The "Short name" field lets you override what Plone will set by default. Click the Save button.
    You see the saved file's title, description (summary), a link to download the file, the file type and size.