Adding a Section Attribute | Scribe

    Adding a Section Attribute

    • 8 steps |
    • 22 seconds
    information ordinal icon
    SSADETL is the form in which section attributes may be added.  Attributes are codes that track characteristics of courses such as General Education courses. Course attributes that are approved by the university curriculum process and are listed in the [University Catalog]( may not be removed from class sections. Courses in the [University Catalog]( designated with an asterisk (\*) indicate that only selected sections carry the course attribute. Honors sections with section numbers 294-299 must add the HON attribute to the section. Departments may also add program specific course attributes to track class sections for departmental purposes.
    alert ordinal icon
    Site of Instruction is **not** added in SSADETL. Site of Instruction is added to the "Building" field in the "Meeting Location and Credits" tab on the SSASECT form for the class section.
    Click "RELATED" menu from the SSASECT form.
    Related menu
    Click the "Course Section Detail \[SSADETL\]" menu item.
    Select SSADETL
    Click the "Go" button on the SCADETL form.
    Go button
    Click the "Degree Program Attributes" tab.
    Degree Program Attribute tab
    Click the "Insert" button.
    Insert button
    alert ordinal icon
    Never remove course attributes already assigned to a class section. These attributes were approved through the university curriculum process.
    information ordinal icon
    Please note that the Office of the Registrar adds the WI attribute to WI by Contract class sections.  If you are creating a class section that is WI by Contract and it has been approved by WAAC, please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).  Please forward the course approval email from WAAC.
    Enter the section attribute in the "Attribute" field.
    Attribute code field
    Click the "SAVE" button.
    SAVE button
    Click the "OK" button on the warning message.
    Warning Alert box and OK button