This walkthrough includes the steps to intake a stray animal. You must first watch the Adding an Animal video.
Click on Found as Stray
For this video, Britt's profile was used as an example.\
Any currently owned animals that were previously marked as strays at one point will populate. (See Remmy as an example) If the animal in question isn't listed, select Add New Animal.
Select the Intake Subtype. This will typically be "Found by Public"
Other options include ACO or DOA options.
Continue through the next few sections as previously instructed.
The Found Information that you enter is incredibly important!
Make sure you get the most accurate address that the animal was found.
Enter the zip code as well.
Enter in the cross street if the exact address isn't known. This can help narrow down the found location for this animal.
Enter in the county the animal was found.
A stray ID will populate automatically. \
Leave this as is until the stray hold is up!!
You may add a nickname in quotations for the stray period so that staff has something to call the animal.
Complete the rest of the sections as previously instructed.