Adding an Instructor to a Class Section | Scribe

    Adding an Instructor to a Class Section

    • 4 steps |
    • 22 seconds
    • EcuEcu
    Click in the "Session" Indicator field to add an instructor to the section.
    alert ordinal icon
    If the person is not marked as an active instructor in Banner, an error message will be displayed, and you will not be able to save the record. To save the record without entering the instructor, click the "Delete" button on the INSTRUCTOR section and click the "SAVE" button. If this is a new instructor, contact the HR representative for your college and ask them to activate them as faculty on the SIAINST admin page.
    Press the [[Tab]] key to go to the "ID" field and type the Instructors Banner ID in the field.
    The Primary Indicator is checked, indicating that this is the primary instructor. The "Name", "Instructional Workload", "Percent of Responsibility" and "Percent of Session" fields will automatically default to the values for a single instructor. If you are adding more than one instructor please view the instructions on [Adding Multiple Instructors to a Class Section](
    Click the "SAVE" button.