Adding availability to your LibCal | Scribe

    Adding availability to your LibCal

    • Chris Pollette |
    • 15 steps |
    • 47 seconds
      Although your Exchange calendar and LibCal are in sync with each other, you still need to add availability in LibCal to allow patrons to make an appointment on your calendar. Some people open their entire calendars for appointments, while others use an "office hours" approach and block off certain hours on certain days.
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      You can only set up your calendar for a year in advance. Regardless if you're doing it that way or semester-by-semester, don't forget to go back to add availability in your LibCal!
      Click on the Assignments tab to get started.
      Next, click the Availability tab to enter your specific date information.
      Click in the text box to enter your start time.
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      Don't click on the gray section with the clock icon at the end of the text entry field. It doesn't do anything!
      Choose your start time; the top half of the left box is for morning hours, while the lower section is for the afternoon and evening. On the right, the minute section lets you choose specific minutes, not just full, half, or even quarter hours.
      Click here:
      Remember: Hours are on the left, minutes are on the right. The top of the hour section is for morning, lower section is for afternoon and evening.
      Choose how often you'd like the session to repeat. You can enter a single session...
      ...or daily, or...
      ...weekly, which is good if you wanted, say, every Wednesday afternoon...
      ...or use the multi-date picker to choose select individual dates.
      Please do not change the Location or Group options.
      You should have All Groups selected.
      Once you're done, click the blue Add Availability button to finish.
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      If you accidentally add availability to your calendar, *you cannot remove it by trying to overwrite it with the add availability tool.* Example: you wanted to make yourself available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and you added Thursday by mistake. To fix it, choose the day you don't want and click the red Run Pre-Delete Checks button seen above. Once you've confirmed that you don't have any LibCal appointments, you can delete the Thursday availability without having to delete everything and start over.