Adding multiple currencies | Scribe

    Adding multiple currencies

    • simarpreet singh |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes
      Click "Payment Settings"
      Click "Currency Settings"
      Enable the "Status"
      If you have a currency converter API, you can enable "Automatically Update Exchange Rates". This will auto convert all the currencies to theie exchange rates.
      We are not using any API. So we will manually write the exchange rate of each currency we want to enable in our store. The default currency is USD. So all the exchange rate should be done in respect to USD. For eg, 1 USD= 0.98 Eur, 1 USD=1.3 Canadian dollar. Similarly, do this for any currency you want to enable.
      After adding the exchange rate, click 'Edit' under 'Select an option'.
      Set the status to 'Active'. You can also specify the currency symbol position as to left or right.
      Click 'Save changes'.

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