Adjusting Parent Square Notification Settings | Scribe

    Adjusting Parent Square Notification Settings

    • Wylie ISD Communications |
    • 5 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • ParentsquareParentsquare
    • StripeStripe
    • Google AccountGoogle Account
    Navigate to [](
    Click on your name in the upper-left hand corner. Click "My Account."
    Click "Notification Settings" to select how you will receive ParentSquare activity notifications.
    You can not turn off notifications for "Urgent Alerts." (School closure for weather-related purposes, lockdown, campus is in immediate danger) For each notification platform (email, text, app), choose how you want to receive notifications. Select "Off" to receive no notification. Select "Instant" to receive notifications instantly. Choose "Digest" to receive all notifications at 6 p.m. \*Post notifications emails default to "Digest" for all users. Users must select an option for text and app notifications if they would like to receive those.
    "School Alerts" are announcements sent by the admin team or the district's communications department. (large event cancellation, medical emergency on campus, etc.) It is recommended that you keep "School Alerts" on. (It defaults to on.)
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! You do not have to click save or X out of this window for your changes to be saved.