Admin - Users | Scribe

    Admin - Users

    • 0 step
      In Enify, if you are an Admin, click on the Enify Apps icon and..
      Click "Admin"
      The Admin window will open and you will see menus for Users, Roles and Error Reports. In the User list, you can see if a user is logged on or off. A green icon next to the user name indicate that the user is logged on. A grey icon indicates that the user is logged off. Metadata is available for each user.
      To apply a role to a user, mark the user.
      Click "Apply role"
      Choose a Role and you are done.
      The role you selected is shown in the Role column. 
      To deactivate a user, mark the user ..
      Click "Deactivate".
      Confirm by clicking "Yes". This will deactivate the user and it is no longer possible to i.e. share elements or boards with the user. If the user loges on again, then the user will be automatically activated and appear in the user list as normal with the same role as before.
      When deactivated, the user is removed from the user list.
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