Annotate Web Content with Diigo | Scribe

    Annotate Web Content with Diigo

    • Brittni Ballard |
    • 34 steps |
    • 3 minutes
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    Knowledge Check: Did you complete Tutorial 2: [Upload PDF and Annotations to Diigo]( This guide picks up where it left off.
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    Tip: Find something online you want to save for later and perhaps even reference in a project or paper? Wiith Diigo, it's as easy as pressing a button! Keep in mind: Although this guide demos how to mark up a text-based news article, Diigo works just as well with other types including visuals and social media.
    Before you begin your research, sign in to Diigo
    User selects the Diigo extension from their browser toolbar; a "Sign In" pop-up window appears. The user selects Sign In; the other option is for new users to tie their Diigo login to their Google account.
    Browse the web like usual; when you find something interesting, select the text and then select the highlighter icon
    User highlights the authors names in a news article titled "Inside the Race to Protect Artists from Artificial Intelligence" on Scientific American
    Click the newly-added highlight
    User selects the highlighted text
    Click the post it icon to "Add a sticky note"
    User selects the sticky note icon from the menu which appears; other options are: Highlighter color, Share, and Delete
    Enter your observation or question, then select "Save"
    User types in this comment to go with the highlight: "what are their credentials?" Then, the user selects Save; the other option is to Cancel
    Find something else interesting? Highlight it in a different color; let's try blue
    User highlights the name of two technologies and selects the blue highlight color; other options are: Yellow, red, and green
    Click the newly-added highlight
    User selects the highlighted text
    Click the post it icon to "Add a sticky note"
    User selects the sticky note icon
    Enter your reminder and select "Save"
    User types in a different comment for this highlight: "these might be fun to try!" User then selects Save.
    Now, let's save this article to Diigo; select the Diigo extension from your browser bar
    User selects the Diigo extension from their browser toolbar
    Select "Edit bookmark"
    User selects the first action item that appears in the pop-up menu: Edit bookmark.
    Add some tags to make it easier to sort through your readings by theme
    User selects the empty "Add tags" field. The most recent tags used are automatically displayed as possible choices.
    You can add multiple tags (such as tech and art) for a single item
    User selects the most recent tag: Tech. User then types an A and all previous tags that begin with A are displayed; user selects Art.
    Let's add this article to our Outliner; first, select "Add to an outliner"
    User selects the "Add to Outliner" drop-down
    Click the title of the Outliner you're using for this project
    User selects the same "Diigo and Zotero Research Workflow" Outliner used in previous Scribes
    Let's also save a record of this news article in case it disappears from the web later; select "Cache"
    User checks the box next to the Cache action
    Click "Save"
    User selects Save; the only other option is to close the window using the X icon
    When the cache is complete, you can "check it out"
    When the cache action ends, a message appears: Upload succeeded! Check it out.