Anthology Portfolio Grades not showing on Blackboard | Scribe

    Anthology Portfolio Grades not showing on Blackboard

    • 8 steps |
    • 41 seconds
    information ordinal icon
    Occasionally, a grade in Anthology Portfolio may not sync back to Blackboard. Please follow the steps below to verify if you've received a grade in Portfolio.
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    Always use the Anthology Portfolio assignment links within Blackboard. Assignments submitted outside of Blackboard won't sync with the Blackboard Gradebook.
    Click "Gradebook"
    Click on the Anthology Portfolio assignment in question
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    Please note that after submission, the Blackboard assignment status will not update to 'Submitted.' This is a known limitation with Anthology Portfolio.
    Click "Launch"
    Check and make sure it is "SUBMITTED"
    If the assignment has been graded in Portfolio, your score will appear next to the submitted date. Click on the score to view more information.
    Click "View Details"
    Double-check that the assignment has been graded.
    If you find that the assignment is graded but Blackboard is not showing a grade, please contact your professor and inform them that your grade did not sync to Blackboard. Ask them to reassess your grade using this guide: '[Reassess the assignment and Save to LMS.]('