Apple Pay Certificate Creation | Scribe

    Apple Pay Certificate Creation

    • Malmi Senaweera |
    • 15 steps |
    • 37 seconds
    • AppleApple
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    You'll need an iDonate Apple Developer Account to proceed in creating an Apple Pay Cert.
    Navigate to [](
    Click "View account" under "Developer Account."
    Click "Certificates, IDs & Profiles"
    Click "Identifiers"
    Click "App IDs"
    Click "Merchant IDs"
    Click "iDonate Merchant ID"
    Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Add Domain"
    Click the "Your domain name" field.
    Enter the domain that the org is hosting their iDonate giving forms on where they want Apple Pay (they will have provided this during the Apple Pay setup query). ex. [](
    Click "Save"
    Click "Download"
    You will then receive the Apple Pay cert file that will be specific to that org's domain. Deliver it to them via a Sharefile link to ensure a secure file transfer, and tell them to host it where our Apple account will be looking for it.
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    The Apple Pay file expires 7 days after it has been created. It will need to be installed at the org's domain and verified on our side within that window. If it hasn't been installed and verified in 7 days, the file will expire and a new one will need to be created.
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    Note: If the org has provided multiple domains to register, go back to step 8 to create the Apple Cert file for that additional domain. Repeat as necessary.
    Once the org verifies they've installed the file on their domain, go back to the page in Step 8 to 'Verify' the Apple Pay cert.
    Once you've Verified the file, enable the Apple Pay feature for the org in GMSNext and ensure it's selected and available on their Single Page Giving form editor. Once this has been done, (and their credentials have been installed in their Digital Payment Gateway on their GMSNext org) Apple Pay will be available for their giving forms. This completes the Apple Pay Certificate installation process.