Approver - SEFH Signing Student Paperless Files and Forms in STEM Wizard | Scribe

    Approver - SEFH Signing Student Paperless Files and Forms in STEM Wizard

    • Lionnel Ronduen |
    • 14 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • StemwizardStemwizard
    • GmailGmail
    • Google DocsGoogle Docs
    Many student forms are completed and signed in STEM Wizard such as the ISEF Forms. Students will fill out their part of the form, then send the form to the person(s) who needs to sign the form (approver).
    When a form is ready for approval, each approver will get an email that includes the name of the form, the student name, and who needs to sign the form. In this example, Form 1, the student's name is "Fake Student", and the approver who needs to sign is the "Adult Sponsor" (usually the student's teacher). *If any of that information is incorrect, the approver needs to let the student know.*
    Students should also attach any needed supporting documents to the email for review. For our example, Form 1, the research plan is needed for the approver to review. If supporting documents are missing or the form(s) is incomplete, the approver should not approve the form. Follow the "**Don't Approve**" steps below.
    **Don't Approve:** To view the form or to message the student about an error, click the link in the email.
    **Don't Approve**: Before filling out the information, approvers should review the research plan (attached to the email) and the form they are signing. The form will be at the top of the information and listed as "**Student Uploaded File".** Click the file name in blue, and the file will open in a new window. Check the information already filled out before completing and approving the form.
    **Don't Approve**: Below the signature box, there is an "APPROVE" and a "DON'T APPROVE" button.
    **Don't Approve**: If you are not the person that should sign the document, supporting documents are missing, information is incorrect, etc., click **"DON'T APPROVE"**.
    **Don't Approve**: Enter your name in the pop up box.
    **Don't Approve**: Explain the problem in the "Comment" field.
    **Don't Approve**: Click "SEND TO STUDENT". The student will receive a message with the information you sent.
    **Approve:** If you are the correct approver, and the information the student sent you is correct and includes all supporting documents, then fill out the required fields. Each form has a different set of information that needs to be filled out, dated, and signed by the approver. For our example, Form 1, the form needs the Adult Sponsor's name, Date of Review (before experimentation begins), Phone, Email, and signature.
    **Approve:** To sign the form, use your mouse to draw your signature in the signature box.
    **Approve:** Click "APPROVE".
    Your information will be recorded on the form, and the student will receive a message.