Assigning and Removing Elements from Areas | Scribe

    Assigning and Removing Elements from Areas

    • Lucy Sonner |
    • 14 steps |
    • 37 seconds
      Navigate to Synbiotix
      Enter your username and password and click "Login"
      Select Cleaning Standards
      Click "Administration"
      Click "Manage Locations"
      Click down through the levels of your organisation's structure until you reach ward level
      Select the ward
      Click "Elements for Area"
      Next to each element you can see whether it is Assigned to \[the\] Area, and whether it is Active or not. **Assigned to Area** – if the element isn't assigned to the area, it won’t appear on the audit screen and can only be added back into the audit through this page **Active** – if an element is active, it will appear on the audit screen as available to audit for this area. If the element is inactive, it will appear on the audit screen for this area but will not require an answer and will not count towards the audit score. An auditor can re-activate this element during the audit
      alert ordinal icon
      We recommend that auditors make elements active and inactive during audits to minimise administrative burden
      Click on the tick or cross button in the relevant column to change whether an element is assigned to an area, or active
      alert ordinal icon
      Removing the element from an area will automatically remove it from the Active column
      You can also choose to "Assign all" or "Unassign all" (for Assigned to Area), or "Enable all" or "Disable all" (for Active) elements by clicking on the relevant link at the bottom of the page
      alert ordinal icon
      Make sure you Reschedule the ward after making any changes. This will ensure any changes pull through to the audit schedule (if any audits are outstanding)


      Click the ward name to return to the ward list
      Click "Reschedule"
      Click "OK"