Auto-CRM | Scribe


    • Chamber Nation |
    • 6 steps |
    • 28 seconds
    • MikleMikle
    • ChamberorganizerChamberorganizer
    • RecaptchaRecaptcha
    • Google AccountGoogle Account
    To configure Auto CRM, click "Configuration"
    Click "CRM System"
    Under "Auto CRM Settings, enter the email addresses from which you want to accept emails in the Auto CRM feature. This ensures that only emails sent from these addresses will be recorded.
    Choose a contact type that will be assigned to the contacts recorded by Auto CRM. This allows for easy categorization and identification of the recorded contacts.

    Email Matching and Error Handling

    When an email is bcc'd to autocrm@, Auto CRM verifies the following criteria for successful recording: 1. The email's from address must match a single database record for the association representative. This ensures accurate attribution of the email. 2. The email's to address must match a single database record for the member or prospect being communicated with. This ensures proper association of the email with the intended recipient. If a match cannot be found for either the from or to address, an error message will be sent to you via email, notifying you of the mismatch.

    Error Report

    In the configuration area, you can find a link to an error report. This report displays any logged errors related to emails sent to autocrm@. It can be a useful resource if you encounter any difficulties while using the system, as it provides insights into the recorded errors.