Automate Calculations & Evaluations - Setting Measure Evaluations | Scribe

    Automate Calculations & Evaluations - Setting Measure Evaluations

    • Fernando Montenegro |
    • 0 step |
    • 3 minutes
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    Manual Measure Evaluation

    Manually setting a status for your Measures works well when you are first beginning to nail down a reporting process and want to gain historical data before setting a target or baseline. Additionally, manually setting a status is helpful when there is not a clear target or baseline with which to evaluate your measure data, so some subjectivity in setting the status is required.
    Select **Scorecards & Elements** from the Control Panel\ Choose **Manage Elements**\ Open **Measures**\ Select the **Measure** you are going to be working with, in this example, ‘Strategy Score’.
    From the Measure Detail Page, click on the **edit Pencil icon**\ In the **Update Fields tab**, use the **Status dropdown menu** to select a **Status** indicator\ The default options are “Not Defined”, “Above Target”, “Caution”, “Below Plan”, and “No Information”.\ Once you are done with your changes, click **Save**

    Automatic Measure Evaluation

    Automatic Measure Evaluations can save you and your updaters valuable time when you are ready to report out on your Measures! Furthermore, Automatic Measure Evaluations take out the subjectivity when it comes to evaluating a measure’s status, by assigning status based on a set of pre-determined criteria.

    Creating and enabling Series evaluations

    Select **Scorecards & Elements** from the Control Panel\ Choose **Manage Elements**\ Open **Measures**\ Select the **Measure** you are going to be working with, in this example, ‘Revenue’.
    Locate the **Measure Data Table** \ Double-click on the **Header** of the Series you would like to evaluate, in this example, ‘Actual’.\ Navigate to the **Evaluation tab**\ Check the box next to the **Status** indicator name\ Select how you want to compare the current **Series** and then which **Series** you want to compare against.\ If you want to compare against a specific value rather than a series, select **Static Value**\ Enter the calculation criteria for the evaluation\ If you would like to use this Series evaluation to evaluate the **Measure**, check **Use this series for overall element evaluation**\ Once you are done with your configuration, click **Save**
    In this example, we leave the Above Target calculation blank. We want the series to evaluate to Above Target whenever the Actual is greater than or equal to Target. We want the series to evaluate as Caution when Actual is greater than or equal to Target\*.9 (i.e. 90% of the ‘Target’). ClearPoint reads series evaluations from top to bottom, so once the criterion is met, it assigns that status and stops reading. This is why Below Plan is simply whenever the Actual is less than Target (as all values in the ‘Caution’ range will have already been identified). Since we checked “Use this series for overall element evaluation,” the evaluation has been enabled for the measure. Going forward, the measure will automatically evaluate when new data is entered.

    Setting the Measure Evaluation

    There is another option for setting measure evaluations. In the above section, we checked “**Use this series for overall element evaluation**” to set the evaluation criteria for the Measure. While only one Measure at a time can have this option checked off, you do have the option to add evaluations to multiple different Series.

    Setting the Measure Evaluation

    There is another option for setting measure evaluations. In the above section, we checked “**Use this series for overall element evaluation**” to set the evaluation criteria for the Measure. While only one Measure at a time can have this option checked off, you do have the option to add evaluations to multiple different Series.
    Select **Scorecards & Elements** from the Control Panel\ Choose **Manage Elements**\ Open **Measures**\ Select the **Measure** you are going to be working with, in this example, ‘Revenue’.
    Click the **Edit pencil icon**\ Navigate to the **Series tab**\ From the **Evaluation Option dropdown menu**, select the evaluation option that you would like to use You can choose any custom evaluations that you have added to the Series, or you can use “Best Series” and “Worst Series.” If you have multiple custom evaluations set up, you may want ClearPoint to consider all the evaluation criteria rather than just one custom evaluation. “Best Series” will give the measure the most favorable status indicator when evaluating based on all criteria. “Worst Series” will give the most unfavorable status. Once you are done with your configuration, click **Save**
    Note: If you choose Best Series and have an evaluation that would make your status indicator green based on current data, this is the evaluation that will be applied. If you choose Worst Series and have an evaluation that would make the status indicator red based on current data, then this evaluation will be applied. Your status icons will now automatically update based on the criteria you have in place. When users enter new data in the measure data table, a status indicator will be automatically applied based on your criteria.

    Using ranges for Automatic Measure Evaluations

    Adding ranges for Automatic Measure Evaluations is great for when you want to evaluate a Measure based on its proximity to the target. We will first add the range evaluation criteria, then make sure to select that criteria as our evaluation option for the overall Measure.
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