Automating Standard Environments with Azure Blueprints | Scribe

    Automating Standard Environments with Azure Blueprints

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 6 steps |
    • 11 seconds
    • AzureAzure
    Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
    Type **Blueprints** in the search bar and click on the **Blueprints** to view the Blueprints dashboard
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    **What are Blueprints?** \ \ In Azure, Blueprints are templates that enable you to define, deploy, and maintain a repeatable set of resources and policies. They help ensure compliance and governance by allowing you to package and apply configurations, including role assignments, policy assignments, resource groups, and resource templates, in a single, coordinated deployment. Blueprints simplify the process of setting up and managing environments that adhere to organizational standards and best practices.
    Click on the **Blueprint definitions** from the left bar
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    **What are Blueprint definations?**\ \ Blueprint definitions in Azure are the foundational templates that specify the resources, policies, and configurations to be deployed together. They include artifacts such as role assignments, policy assignments, ARM templates, and resource groups, defining the blueprint's structure and components. Blueprint definitions help standardize and automate the deployment of environments that adhere to organizational policies and governance.
    **Blueprint definitions** wizard will open, click on the **Create blueprint** button on the top left side
    **Create blueprint** wizard will open, here you can choose a blueprint sample and get started with a **Blank blueprint**
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    **What are Bank Blueprint?**\ \ A Bank Blueprint in Azure refers to a predefined template designed specifically for the banking industry. It includes best practices, compliance standards, and configurations tailored to meet regulatory requirements and operational needs of financial institutions. These blueprints help banks quickly deploy secure, compliant, and efficient cloud environments, streamlining the process of achieving industry-specific compliance and operational excellence.
    Scroll to the **Other Samples** section, here you can choose different blueprint samples to get started with Azure blueprints
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