You will only be able to do this if you have the relevant permissions. Speak to your Autotask Administrator if not.
Within Autotask, click on the 3 lines in the top left.
Select [[Admin]]
Click on [[Features & Settings]]
Expand [[Sales & Opportunities]]
Select [[Sales Quotas]]
Adding a New Sales Quota
Click on [[+ New Sales Quota]]
Select the name from the Sales Resource dropdown.
Editing or Setting a Target
If you just need to change one quota target, or only for one month, you can do this by typing in the numbers in the relevant fields, and changing the months in the top right.
If you need to update for a number of months, use the next step instead.
Right click on the resource, and select [[Edit Resource Sales Quotas]]
From this screen, you can enter the numbers as required for the sales resource. Once complete, select [[Save & Close]]
Removing a Sales Quota
This will only remove the quota for the month you are in. It's often easier to edit per the above step and zero out the remaining quotas.
Right click and select [[Delete Resource Sales Quotas]]
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