Avart | Mobile Menù | Scribe

    Avart | Mobile Menù

    • Martina Piangerelli |
    • 0 step |
    • 38 seconds
    Navigate to [https://admin.shopify.com/store/avart-store-online/themes/130516713516/editor?section=sections--16036525965356__announcement](https://admin.shopify.com/store/avart-store-online/themes/130516713516/editor?section=sections--16036525965356__announcement)
    Click this button.
    Set the color scheme for this section.
    Choose the menu, which can be different from the one shown in the desktop header if needed.
    Choose whether to display the texts in uppercase.
    Click "Salva"
    Now let's see how to display images in the desired menu items.
    Click here.
    Select the collection (or any linked item in the menu) corresponding to the menu item for which we want to display the image in the mobile menu.
    For example, the collection named "Home Page."
    Choose the image you want to display in the menu and select "true" for "Show image on mobile."
    Let's see how to display a search bar and alphabetical navigation within a menu item.
    Go to the online store
    Click "Pages"
    Choose the page. In this example, let's choose "Brands," but you might want to display a search bar for any other element like a product, a collection, etc.
    Show all metafields
    Set the metafield named "Show search bar" to true.
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