BCBS AZ: Certifications | Scribe

    BCBS AZ: Certifications

    • Byron Edwards |
    • 4 steps |
    • 23 seconds
    • PinpointglobalPinpointglobal
    Navigate to [https://bcbsarizona.pinpointglobal.com/Apps/Medicare/default.aspx](https://bcbsarizona.pinpointglobal.com/Apps/Medicare/default.aspx)
    Log in. Your username should be your NPN. If you are unable to log in after attempting the forgot password or username flow, email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
    You will see the certifications to complete in the center of the page. Make sure you complete all of the steps.
    When you click that center box, you'll be able to click into each individual training / requirement.