BHCS - Student First Logon Experience | Scribe

    BHCS - Student First Logon Experience

    • Ben Morrell |
    • 6 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • WindowsWindows
    Enter your Username and Password in the below fields. This will be provided to you.
    You will be forced to change your password when you first login. Please select 'Ok'.
    Username and Password should already be filled. If not, this is your username and the password you have been provided. Please then create your new password. Please make sure it is complex but simple enough for you to remember. Including capitals and symbols is a good way to keep your account more secure. Please aim for a minimum of 8 characters.
    Upon first login, you'll be prompted to sign in to Microsoft Edge. Click 'Continue'.
    Click here.
    Click here and then close the browser.