Basic Navigation of the Oracle Platform | Scribe

    Basic Navigation of the Oracle Platform

    • Karen Binkley |
    • 15 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • OraclecloudOraclecloud
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    This short document demonstrates the basics of navigating the Oracle platform.
    Navigate to <>.
    To log into the platform, enter your user ID and password, then click "Sign In."
    Use the icons in the upper right corner of the screen to navigate in the platform.
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    Alert! Always use the icons and buttons in Oracle to navigate between screens. DO NOT USE THE BACK BUTTON IN YOUR INTERNET BROWSER.
    At any time, you can click the house icon to return to the home screen.
    Use the flag icon to view your watchlist of items that may need attention.
    Use the bell icon to view your system notifications. The system will also email notifications to you.
    Click on your initials to view "Settings and Actions." *This is where you will set your time zone.*
    Most of your work will be done in the "Supplier Portal" app.
    Use the large app button to open the supplier portal.
    On the supplier portal page, you can view the tasks list, items requiring attention, your recent activity, and supplier news.
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    ORACLE TERMINOLOGY: In Oracle, solicitations (bids) are called "negotiations."
    Note the items in the "Negotiations" section of the "Tasks" menu. 1. "View Active Negotiations" is where you view active bids and create responses. *See our instructions to create a search that automatically displays UT negotiations.* 2. "Manage Responses" is where you view your submitted responses, view the status of your responses, and revise your responses.
    Let's review one more section of the home screen. Remember you can return to the home screen at any time by clicking the house icon.
    At the bottom of the home screen, you can view notifications and "things to finish."
    When you are finished working in Oracle, click on your initials, then click sign out.
    Click the "Confirm" to finish signing out.