Basics: How to filter and navigate | Scribe

    Basics: How to filter and navigate

    • Maurice Vanderfeesten |
    • 27 steps |
    • 8 minutes
    • Microsoft Power BIMicrosoft Power BI
    • Google SitesGoogle Sites
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    Data information

    "Publications in selection", On the top left. This number shows how many publications are used in the visuals on the page. This number changes when filtering and selecting stuff. Right below is a chart showing how many of the publications you see are related to an SDG. This is important, because it gives a way a hint on how much you can interpret to generalize about a university for example.
    "Last update: 2022-05-01" This show when the data in the dashboard was last updated. the publications data, author data, and al the enrichment metrics.
    "Data Source & Datapoints". On each page we explain what additional data source we have used to enrich the publication data, and how many data points we were able to link to the publications.

    Filters, slicing data

    information ordinal icon
    On the left bar you can find several filters, explained below. The filters are synched with other pages. So this selection holds when you navigate to other pages.
    "Filter un-/related publications" In general the dashboard visuals are rendered interpreting ALL publications. But in some cases you might explicitly want to exclude the publications that are 'unrelated to SDGs'. Click "Related to SDGs (with 98% certainty)" Click here.
    "Filter un-/related publications" In general the dashboard visuals are rendered interpreting ALL publications. But in some cases you might explicitly want to exclude the publications that are 'unrelated to SDGs'.
Click "Related to SDGs (with 98% certainty)"
Click here.
    "Filter SDGs" Click the SDG Tiles to filter an SDG. To select multiple SDGs, hold CRTL/Command button. (default is all selected)
    "Filter SDGs" Click the SDG Tiles to filter an SDG. 
To select multiple SDGs, hold CRTL/Command button. (default is all selected)
    "Filter University" Click the University Logo's to filter/focus on a University To select multiple Universities, hold CRTL/Command button. (default is all selected) Click this image.
    "Filter University" Click the University Logo's to filter/focus on a University
To select multiple Universities, hold CRTL/Command button. (default is all selected)
Click this image.
    "Filter Organisational Structure" Search, or Browse through the university organisational hierarchy. Click on the depart ment or faculty you want to focus on. This is only possible for the universities who provided extra data on their authors and their affiliated internal organisational units. Click here.
    "Filter Organisational Structure" Search, or Browse through the university organisational hierarchy. Click on the depart ment or faculty you want to focus on.

This is only possible for the universities who provided extra data on their authors and their affiliated internal organisational units.
Click here.

    Navigate pages

    Click the Tabs in the top navigation bar to switch pages. Click here.
    Click the Tabs in the top navigation bar to switch pages.
Click here.
    ... or click the bottom menu with the page count. Click "Universities"
    ... or click the bottom menu with the page count.
Click "Universities"

    Focus mode: zooming in to one diagram

    information ordinal icon
    Tip! Filter the data to your specific needs first, to focus in particular on that part.
    Click here. "Focus mode"
    Right-click here.
    Get the numbers behind the bars. Click "Show as a table"