Benchmarking Overview | Scribe

Benchmarking Overview

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All Metrics

To begin, click "Compare" on the top toolbar, and select "All metrics", or "Ranking metrics". "Collaboration Matrix" provides a slightly different kind of benchmarking.
Click "All metrics"
You can also set the date range for your benchmarking exercise.
Tip! Keep in mind that indexing always runs at least six months behind the current date, so the time from the latest complete index to the current date will always be marked as a dashed line to indicate an incomplete year.
You can now set your benchmarking entity and select entities to benchmark against. You can also search for an existing group - these have been generated by both SciVal and Queen's. In this demo, we searched the Russell Group and selected all the institutions.
You can select your metrics for up to three axes, and the drop downs provide a range of options for under each heading. You can also turn on the timelapse graphic to indicate change across time.
You can also create your own groupings using the entity dropdown and the "Create/Import" function. Here you can create a group manually from researchers you or your institution have already defined, or import a list from a spreadsheet.

Ranking Metrics

The Ranking Metrics field allows you to benchmark with the Times Higher Education and the QS world university rankings. The three axes can be selected as before, and the selection can also be toggled to a table rather than chart format, allowing more metrics to be added to the table, and a variety of metric sets to be selected. You can then drill down into each institution's publication set.
Toggling to "QS World University Rankings" provides a slightly different selection of metric sets and allows you to select by QS Faculty areas also. Keep in mind that these may not reflect your own institutional structure.

Collaboration Matrix

The collaboration matrix lets you see where researchers from different groups are publishing together - this is useful to identify areas of potential interdisciplinary work, among other uses. It requires you to have at least two already created Researcher Groups.
Click "Collaboration matrix" in the "Compare toolbar to begin.
Select your Groups to populate the matrix, then click through the numbers to see the publications and authors. You can also toggle heatmap off and on for a stronger visual.
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