Bulk Import Members to your SolidWeb Site | Scribe

    Bulk Import Members to your SolidWeb Site

    • Chris Skelly |
    • 35 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • Local6000Local6000
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    Alert! You can only upload one type of member at a time. For this example we'll be uploading our Active Membership list. You can use this guide for any type, including Retired Membership or Leadership.
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    Alert! It's important that the data in LUIS is up to date with the latest email address the members have. If it's been 6+ months since the last LUIS update, you may want to consider taking a month reach out to the membership to update the membership data. There are a number of ways to do this, including creating an "Update your information with your Local" form in Action Network. Here's a tutorial on doing that. It includes a flyer with boilerplate information that you can use to distribute to your membership after you fill in the details.
    Format your member data from LUIS in Excel. LUIS stores the first name and last name separately, but SolidWeb wants them combined in one field. The simplest way to do this is as follows
    In Excel: delete all fields except for First Name, Last Name, and Email Address
    Select the entire "First Name" column
    Right click on the selection > select "CUT" (CTRL + X)
    Right click on the "Last Name" column > select "Insert Cut Cells"
    Now your data in excel should be "First Name", "Last Name" "Email Address"
    Select all of the values in the "First Name" and "Last Name" column, but not the column headers and right click "COPY" (CTRL + C)
    Open Microsoft Word or Text Edit
    In a new document, paste in the values only. In Microsoft Word: Paste Special - Values only/Text Only. If you use Text Edit, then it will automatically strip out formatting.
    Now you will have the first name and last name combined. The next step is to remove the tab between the names.
    Select the space or tab that is between one of the names. Right click "Copy" (CTRL + C)
    Go to the menu and select "Find" > "Replace"
    Paste the space/tab you just copied in the "Find" field
    In the "Replace" field, press the spacebar.
    Click "Replace All"
    Select all of the text > Right click > "Copy" (CTRL + C)
    Paste the values in a new excel document and it should paste in one column with the combined first and last name in each cell in the column. Save the file as "combined.csv". We will come back to this file later. Keep the file open in Excel and open your web browser.
    Navigate to your SolidWeb site