Bulk Uploading Staff for Exhibitor badges - AM Ireland 24 | Scribe

    Bulk Uploading Staff for Exhibitor badges - AM Ireland 24

    • Matt Price |
    • 19 steps |
    • 3 minutes
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    You must have activated your showcase using your unique activation code sent to you by the Operations team. If you have not already done this please see this guide on the process [here](https://scribehow.com/shared/Activating_your_Showcase__AM_Ireland_24__ABHw6loiRnijzdzT62QBdg?referrer=workspace). Or if you have not received your activation code please contact Matt: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
    Navigate to [https://amireland24.showhub.live/](https://amireland24.showhub.live/)
    Click "JOIN NOW" or "REGISTER HERE". If selecting register here, enter your username and password and then select log in.
    Click "Submit"
    Click the 3 dots in the right-hand corner.
    Click "Manage Showcase"
    Click "Bulk Upload"
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    Online staff are visible to visitors online and have access to your showcase dashboard and enquires. Offline staff will not have the same access but when scanning and connect with visitors, online staff members will be able to see these connections
    Choose between online and offline staff. Then click "Download Template"
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    If you feel you require additional online staff please reach out to your Account Manager to discuss upgrading your showcase package.
    Open the downloaded excel spreadsheet and complete each of the columns making sure to use a unique email address for each staff member.
    Don't forget to save the spreadsheet!
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    PLEASE NOTE You must use a unique email address for each staff members. Country code should contain numbers only; in the UK this would be 44.
    Click "Upload template (.xlsx) and browse for the file in your computer.
    Click here.
    Click the 3 dots next to the staff members name on the right-hand side.
    Click "Download QR"
    This QR code can be show on a mobile device your downloaded as a PDF by click on the down arrow here.

    Staff accessing their own badges by email

    All the staff who you registered will receive an email from [email protected] - they should click the "Join Now" button