Bulk export PowerPoint notes from Word with Python | Scribe

    Bulk export PowerPoint notes from Word with Python

    • PythonPython
    • Microsoft365Microsoft365
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    I show how to export notes from Word to PowerPoint in bulk using Python. **You don't need to know how to code, and you don't need to be a Python guru to do it!**
    Make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can download it from [python.org](http://python.org)
    Open Command Promt!
    Install the necessary libraries using pip in your command line. Type this on the command line: [[pip install python-pptx python-docx]]
    You also need to install Visual Studio Code. You can download it here: <https://code.visualstudio.com/download>
    To work properly, you need to find Python in Studio Visual Code via the Extensions tab and install.
    After installing Extensions, you should look for Show and Run Commands in the top bar. Then click on it and select Python:Select Interpreter.
    You will also need a Word file with two columns. One contains the line number of the slide, the other the text of the note. The number of rows should be the same as the number of slides in the target file. Here in this example we only have 3 rows for the sake of the test.
    You also need a PowerPoint file with the same number of slides as the number of lines of notes in the Word file.
    You also need a py file containing the code. I have uploaded it here: <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yV4UxLxoWTFlGZ4SnEtz4FYddzuwFSo6/view?usp=sharing>
    I created a CODE folder and a go subfolder inside it. This is where I will be running, so the py file, PowerPoint and Word file will be placed there.
    Open the py file with Visual Studio Code.
    If you don't have the same folder structure as I do, you'll need to include the path to your own files in the code.
    I use Total Comamder to copy the path. If you don't have it on your computer, you can install it here: <https://www.ghisler.com/>
    Then go to the word file, and under Total Commander's Mark menu, select "Copy names with path to clipboard".
    Then paste your path in the orange part of the code. Then do the same with the Power Point file. This should be copied into two places.
    Click on the RUN Python File button in the top right corner!
    And you're ready!
    When you open the PowerPoint file, the notes will be there.