Buy/Upload ECMSync Credits | Scribe

    Buy/Upload ECMSync Credits

    • 10 steps |
    • 46 seconds
      information ordinal icon

      If you don't already have ECMSync Pro installed on your device, [this link here]( covers the exact steps to install ECMSync Pro on your device.


      Open the ECMSync program. Select "Device" and click "Save Configuration" within the dropdown menu to save the configuration file to your computer. You will need this .ecma configuration file for step 3.


      Navigate to [](


      Follow the steps in [this guide here]( to buy credits from our website.


      After following the steps in the linked article above, we should end up with a credit file sent to you via email. Please download this .ecmc file to your computer.


      Open up the ECMSync program, and click on the credit icon near the top-right corner. The credit icon looks like two small yellow circles.


      Next, click the "Browse" button on the modal to open up the file explorer.


      Locate the .ecmc file that was sent to you via email, and click "Open".


      After selecting your .ecmc file, click on "Load" to load the credits onto your device.


      Congratulations! You've successfully added credits to your ECMSync device.


      Click on the "X" near the top right corner of the modal to close the modal.