CADit + Cookiecad Designer - How to add text to a bar | Scribe

CADit + Cookiecad Designer - How to add text to a bar

  • Nathan Apter |
  • 0 step |
  • 36 seconds
  • CaditCadit
  • CookiecadCookiecad
CADit software is in pre-alpha so there may be issues. Please provide feedback to us in the Cookiecad discord! To try out this feature, start by uploading an image to create your cutter, as usual, in [](
Let's start by adding a bar
Increase the "Horizontal bar width (mm)" field to 20 to make room for the text.
In CADit, select the text tool
Type "ICE CREAM" or whatever you want your text to be
Before we move and size the text, click and drag on the 3d viewer to get a better view from the top.
Click the select tool
Click on your text
Drag it to the right area and use one of the corner handles to resize it so it fits nicely. Look over at the 3d view when doing this to see when it looks right.
You can right click and drag on the 2D viewer to move the view around
With the text selected on the 2d side you will see green arrows on the 3d side that can be used to change the height. Click and drag the arrow to make the text shorter.
Drag it down until it looks good, but still sticks out above the handle
We're done! Now we can download the STL. Click the menu on the top left.
Click "Export STL"
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