Calculating TCO with Total Cost of Ownership Calculator | Scribe

    Calculating TCO with Total Cost of Ownership Calculator

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 14 steps |
    • 37 seconds
    • AzureAzure
    Search for **Azure TCO Calculator** in any browser Click on the first link with the domain address - [](//
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    **What is Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator?**\ \ The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator in Azure is an online tool that helps you estimate the cost savings of migrating your on-premises infrastructure to Azure. It allows you to input details about your current environment, including servers, databases, storage, and networking.
    **TCO Calculator** wizard will open, scroll to the **Servers** section and click on the **Add server workload** option
    **Workload 1** wizard will open, here you can give all the Server workload details like Environment, Operating system, Cores, RAM and GPU. **Note:** If you want to add multiple server workloads, click on the **Add server workload** option
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    **What is Workload?**\ \ A workload in Azure refers to a specific set of applications, services, and resources required to perform a particular function or task. Workloads can vary widely, from web applications and databases to data analytics and machine learning models. Each workload has unique resource requirements, such as compute power, memory, storage, and networking, which Azure helps manage and optimize to ensure efficient and reliable performance.
    Scroll to the **Databases** section, click on the **Add database** option to add a new database
    **Database 1** wizard will open, here you can give all the Database details like License, Operating system, Cores, RAM, SQL server and **Destination** details **Note:** If you want to add multiple databases, click on the **Add database** option
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    **What is a Database?**\ \ A database in Azure is a structured collection of data that is managed and stored using Azure's database services. These services include Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, and others. Databases in Azure provide scalable, secure, and highly available solutions for storing and retrieving data, supporting a wide range of applications and use cases, from simple web applications to complex enterprise systems.
    Scroll to the **Storage** section, click on the **Add storage** option to add a new storage
    **Storage 1** wizard will open, here you can give all the Storage details like Storage type, Disk type, Capacity and Backup **Note:** If you want to add multiple storages, click on the **Add storage** option
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    **What is Storage?**\ \ In Azure, storage refers to various services that provide scalable and secure data solutions. This includes Azure Blob Storage for unstructured data, Azure File Storage for managed file shares, Azure Queue Storage for large volumes of messages, Azure Table Storage for NoSQL data, and Azure Disk Storage for persistent disk storage for virtual machines. These services cater to different data types and access requirements, supporting a wide range of applications and use cases.
    Scroll to the **Networking** section, here you can give Networking details like Outbound bandwidth and Destination Region then click on the **Next** button
    Scroll to the **Adjust assumptions** section, here you can view all the assumptions and its details
    Scroll to the **Other assumptions** section, here you can view all the assumption costs like Hardware, Software and Electricity costs
    Scroll the page and click on the **Next** button
    **View report** page will open, here you can view the estimate cost savings over 5 years with Microsoft Azure
    Scroll to the **Total on-premises over 5 year(s)** section, here you can view the Total on-premises details and its total cost
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    **What is Total on-premises over 5 year(s)?**\ \ "Total on-premises over 5 year(s)" typically refers to the total cost of ownership (TCO) associated with maintaining and operating an on-premises IT infrastructure over a period of five years. This includes costs related to hardware procurement, software licensing, maintenance, support, electricity, cooling, IT labor, and other operational expenses incurred during the specified timeframe.
    On the right side you can view **Total Azure cost over 5 years** details
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