Camera Aiming and Focusing | Scribe

    Camera Aiming and Focusing

    • Zhongtian Wang |
    • 12 steps |
    • 27 seconds
      Run Motive from Taskbar
      Wait for Motive to start.
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      If using an older system, a notice stating "License expired" may appear. This will not affect the current version of Motive. New Motive versions are released alongside new versions of BlackTrax. If Motive does not launch, contact the BlackTrax Support team.
      When you open Motive, follow these steps: **Check the number of cameras** – Ensure it matches the expected count (indicated in the **yellow** square). **Verify the Camera Frame Rate** – It should be 100.00Hz and greyed out (indicated in the **blue** square). There should also be a small lock icon next to the "Camera Frame Rate" text. If the Camera Frame Rate is incorrect (not 100Hz) or editable, the eSync settings need to be adjusted. - Select eSync2 in the Devices tab (indicated in the **red** square).
      Then, in the Properties tab, the eSync2 settings should be set as below: Sources: Reserved Sync Offset: 5000 If your Properties tab looks different from the image below, or you don't have the two settings (Sources, Sync Offset), [follow this link to reset Motive](
      From the top right corner, switch to the "Aiming" layout.
      Select all the cameras to aim or focus by clicking the "X Cameras" option next to Tracking to select all.
      Turn off the IR Filter.
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      If the IR filter button is grayed out, this indicates the BTsensor is an "NFS model" (no filter switch) and IR cannot be disabled. This type of sensor is designed for rougher environments since the switch is delicate, and its failure could make the sensor unusable.
      Change the Video Mode to MJPEG (or Greyscale for the best video quality)
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      Raw Greyscale mode uses more power and bandwidth. Setting multiple BTsensors to Raw Greyscale simultaneously may cause network slowdown or failure. Set BTsensors to Raw Greyscale one at a time for focusing, and switch back to MJPEG when focusing is complete. MJPEG provides a visual reference while using less bandwidth than Raw Greyscale.
      Adjust Exposure and Gain to ensure all camera feeds are bright and clear.
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      Exposure controls the amount of light reaching the sensor. Increasing exposure brightens the image by allowing more light in. Gain amplifies the brightness digitally but does not add new detail. It is generally recommended to increase exposure first, using gain only if the desired brightness cannot be achieved through exposure alone.
      Aim and focus cameras based on the feeds displayed on the right side.
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      The "Aim Assist" button on the back of the camera can be pressed to select and enlarge that camera’s view, with a crosshair appearing on the screen.
      To focus a camera, rotate the focus ring until a sharp image is obtained from the camera feed.
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      Placing objects with sharp edges and high contrast in the camera's view can help with focusing. For instance, a piece of white paper on a black table or floor works well. When adjusting focus, turn the ring in one direction—if the image becomes clearer, continue in that direction; if not, reverse the direction. Fine-tune the focus by going back and forth until the clearest possible image is achieved.
      Reset the cameras back to tracking settings.