Can I Create a Tenant Profile without Creating a Lease? | Scribe

    Can I Create a Tenant Profile without Creating a Lease?

    • Tanvir Mahedi |
    • 0 step |
    • 10 minutes
    Log into the Admin Portal
    Go to "Tenant Management" dropdown on the left navigation
    Click on "Tenant" under the "Tenant Management" dropdown on the left navigation
    Click on "+Add New Tenant" on the far right side of the screen
    Click on Residential Tenant with "Existing Lease Document' Skip lease steps (faster process)
    Select the property by clicking on the dropdown under "Property" field
    Select the unit by clicking on the dropdown under "Unit" field
    Select the prospect by selecting from the "Prospect" dropdown
    Click the "Lease Start Date \*" field to select the Lease Start Date
    Click the "yyyy-mm-dd" field beside "First Rental Invoice Date" to put the rental invoice date
    Put the rent amount beside the "Lawful Rent (rent tenant will pay each month) \*" field.
    Put the first name & last name beside the "First Name \*" & the "Last Name \*" field respectively to create the tenant profile
    Email/Phone is optional now (at least one was required/mandatory before).You can put both the option or any single one
    Click on the dropdown of "Total number of additional tenant(s) here to add multiple tenants
    Fill the relevant fields under "Tenant 2"
    Tick the box beside "Create separate tenant profile"
    Fill the relevant fields under "Tenant 3" similar to "Tenant 2"
    Click on "Submit" to finish up
    This sort of options pop up when you create a tenant profile without lease with multiple tenants. In those cases, make sure to check the information's are correct & then click on "Looks Good, Submit"
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