Candidate: Can I make changes to my dependents while serving | Scribe

    Candidate: Can I make changes to my dependents while serving

    • 10 steps
    • UnvUnv
    • ScribeScribe
    Navigate to [](
    Go to "Assignments" tab\ Open your serving assignment
    It will bring you to the "Assignment details" page Under "Related actions" on the right side Click "Add/Review dependent information"
    It will bring you to the "Assignment details" page 

Under "Related actions" on the right side

Click "Add/Review dependent information"

    I want to add new dependent(s)

    A pop up screen to "Add/review dependent" Click "Add dependent" button if you want to add depedent
    Enter dependent "First name" Enter dependent "Last name" Select dependent "Relationship" = Child, Spouse or Common Law Spouse Select dependent "Gender" Select dependent "Date of birth" Select dependent "Marital status" Then click "Next" and "Complete" to submit the dependents for UNV review.
    Enter dependent "First name"

Enter dependent "Last name"

Select dependent "Relationship" = Child, Spouse or Common Law Spouse

Select dependent "Gender"

Select dependent "Date of birth"

Select dependent "Marital status"

Then click "Next" and "Complete" to submit the dependents for UNV review.
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    Recognized primary dependents are immediate family members meeting one of the following criteria: - Spouse or partner: UNV will recognize only one spouse or partner, including those who are part of a recognized partnership or union. - Children: children are defined as biological children, adopted children, and stepchildren, who are not married or not in a recognized partnership or union, and are under the age of 21 at the date of the Commencement of Service.
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    Dependents already claimed by another UN personnel member cannot also be claimed by a UN Volunteer for purposes of receiving dependency-based benefits and entitlements.
    Click "Add file" to upload supporting document Multiple files can be uploaded if necessary
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    **Required supporting document for Child**: upload Birth certificate or Adoption certificate \ In case of new born baby, a hospital birth certificate is not considered as a legal document as a substitute for a registered birth certificate issued by civil authorities. while it may serve as initial proof of birth, it must be submitted to the civil registry to obtain an official document required for legal and administrative purposes.
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    **Required supporting document for Spouse:** Marriage certificate
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    **Required supporting document for Common Law spouse:** upload proof of a civil union or partnership recognised by the competent authority under which this union has been established as per Conditions of Service Section IV.3.
    After the dependents are submitted for UNV review, you can view the dependent information and the dependent status from the related action "Add/Review dependent information". \ You shall be informed about the dependent review feedback.

    I want to modify existing dependent(s)

    For the dependent(s) who is approved by UNV, you cannot modify it. If you wish to modify the Approved dependent, please email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
    For the dependent(s) who is rejected by UNV, you cannot modify it, If you wish to modify the Approved dependent, please email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
    For the dependent(s) who is returned by UNV, please review to "Re-submit dependents" task as soon as possible. Only after you confirm/submit the retuned dependent(s), UNV will be able to review your dependent(s) request. Here is the [step by step guide how to re-submit dependent](