Central: How to add UoM (Units of Measurement) | Scribe

Central: How to add UoM (Units of Measurement)

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  • LeanafywmsLeanafywms
Go to your central dashboard and log in if necessary [https://central.leanafywms.com/](https://central.leanafywms.com/)
Click on Menu
Click on the "Client List" from the menu items.
Select the client's name for which you wish to add the "UoM".
Click on the "Add UoM" button.
Enter the class name for the "UoM".
UoM class names are a recognizable class of products to which this UoM will apply. For example "Wire" can be measured in meters/rolls/pallets. So add Wire as class name. Later you can link all wire type SKUs to this UoM class.
Enter the description for the UOM class name.
We recommend that you add the division name and base unit name in plural form. For example, instead of box enter boxes & etc.
Enter the base unit for the UOM class.
Use the smallest unit of operation as the base unit. For example, if you are going to create a UoM for "Apple iPad" which you sell as 1pc but you receive in boxes. Where each box contains 10pcs. So your base unit should be pieces (pc) or eaches.
Next, click on "Add Division" to include conversions associated with your UOM class.
Carrying forward the above example here you would want to add boxes as division. 10pcs will make 1box. So in the conversion division name, you can write boxes and the division conversion will be 10 (with respect to the base unit)
Next, input a custom division name and the division conversion quantity in relation to the base unit of the UOM. Afterwards, click on the "Add division to UOM" button.
The specified division has been successfully added to the conversion list.
You can add multiple divisions w.r.t to the base unit for a single UOM class.
Make sure your conversion is always with respect to the base unit. For example, if you are adding a second conversion called a master box. Where 10 boxes will make 1 master box. So in the division name field enter "masterbox" but in division conversion enter 100 (10box X 10pc = 100pc)
Once you've added the division(s), click on the "Add UOM to {client name}" button.
UOM for the client has been added successfully!
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