Go to your central dashboard and log in if necessary [https://central.leanafywms.com/](https://central.leanafywms.com/)
Click on Menu
Click on "Client List"
Select the client.
Click on the highlighted area.
Click on "Create Kit"
Click and upload the product image if required.
Give the product name
Add sku,scannable and product description
click and select UoM.
Click on Tracking Information , select applicable toggle button
**\[optional\]** click on Inventory stock levels and fill the min level,max level and restocking quantity
Click on "Next: Kit Items"
Select the product from dropdown
Enter the quantity and select the unit from the dropdown
Click on "Add Kit Item"
For product 2: pick the product from the dropdown and give quantity and select the unit
Click on "Add Kit Item" button.
You can add as many items to create a kit
After adding the required no.of items, now click on "create kit" button.