Cerner Staff Manager Mobile App: Accepting a Shift Opportunity | Scribe

    Cerner Staff Manager Mobile App: Accepting a Shift Opportunity

    • weLearn |
    • 5 steps |
    • 14 seconds
      In the Calendar View, select an open Opportunity (represented by a *blue* circle).
      In the list View select the opportunity by tapping in the empty area as shown below, this will display all the details for the opportunity and then you can tap on ‘**Consider Me**’.
      In addition, you could directly apply to the opportunity by tapping the ‘**Consider Me**’ button directly on the list view.
      Going back to the calendar view, the red circles will represent the opportunities you applied for and are still pending approval.
      Once you have applied for one or several opportunities, these requests will go to the manager for them to make a decision on whether they should or shouldn’t grant this opportunity to you. Factors like float access to specific units and hours limits will be considered.
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      Please note that when you apply for an opportunity and it is granted (approved), it becomes part of your schedule (represented by a blue square); and as such will be treated.